What is a
O Shot?

The O-Shot is a non-drug procedure involving the injection of a patient’s own blood platelets into vaginal tissue. Dr. Charles Runels, the inventor, suggests that platelets attract stem cells, promoting the generation of healthier and more functional tissue in sexual response areas of the vagina.

O Shot

This medical office procedure involves injecting blood platelets into specific areas like the G-Spot, O-Spot, Skene’s Glands, urethra, and vaginal wall. The goal is to enhance sexual response by naturally attracting stem cells to rejuvenate and improve the functionality of these areas.

O Shot Surgery

The O-Shot, not being a surgical intervention, is performed in a medical office setting. It utilizes the patient’s own blood platelets to stimulate the body’s natural regenerative processes in targeted sexual response regions.

Candidates for
O Shot

Individuals seeking improved sexual response, including enhanced sensations in the G-Spot, O-Spot, and other relevant areas, are potential candidates for the O-Shot. The procedure is considered for those looking to address specific concerns related to sexual function.

Advantages for O Shot

The O-Shot aims to generate healthier and more functional tissue in sexual response areas, potentially leading to improved sexual experiences. By utilizing the body’s own platelets and stem cells, it offers a natural approach to addressing concerns related to sexual response.

Recovery Period

As a non-surgical procedure, the O-Shot typically involves minimal downtime. Patients can expect a swift recovery, with potential improvements in sexual response becoming noticeable in the post-procedural period.

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